Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Well, here I am...

In PRAGUE!!! (who hoo!!) Anyway, I am in my hostel posting throughout the trip, and I'll update daily. It is presently 8:45pm on Tuesday the 8th, and I'm exhausted and jet-lagged. I've yet to explore my surroundings, but that will come when I'm done typing. My flight was relatively stress free, and British Airways did not lose my bag. I flew overnight, and I thought that would be a good idea. Wrong! I'm more shot now then I've been since the flight from Hell 11 years ago. Also, the in-flight meal, eaten nearly 15 hours ago, is still killing my tummy. Fatigue and nausea aside, I am here tonight asking an ago-old question: what the fuck is wrong with English food? Seriously, how do you fuck up a burger? What is the appeal of Scottish beef? I ask because it was mentioned on the menu more than once. Why add mayo, but not ketchup? Why have oil and vinaigrette dressing for cheese bread? Normally I don't carp about another country's cuisine, but I paid 40 bucks for this trash. The smoothie blew chunks too (watery and weak), and they had this "sauce" that made me think it was steak sauce, but was in fact "brown sauce." It was shit-brown in colour and taste. The fries weren't too bad, but the portion (especially when you factor in the price, and yes I know I was in the airport...) was rather small. Anyway, I am looking for food that will neither break my bank nor my stomach lining. Anyway. it is time to have some fun then crash. More tomorrow, or perhaps later today; it depends on when you (or I) wake up.

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