Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I cannot believe it has been nearly a month since my last post. Much has been happening since April 8th., and I'm happy to be typing in my blog. Although I have not mentioned it, I am somewhat hamstrung in my writings, as I am attempting to gain tenure here at my school. Ergo, the things that are really on my so-called mind are locked tightly away; waiting for the time when my id can speak freely. That day is soon, whether I get tenure or not. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, so I will let it fly eventually. One small note: WE HAVE A GERMAN POPE!!!!!! Yea.. (I'm 1/2 German) this has not happened since the time of the Holy Roman Empire, so I'm stoked. Even better, he's just as conservative at Pope John Paul II and far more likely to actually enforce church doctrine. Naturally, this is worrisome to assholes on the left, but fuck 'em. They're entitled to their opinions, just as the Canadians can bitch about American policies, but their bleatings count for naught, bwaa hahahahahahahahahahaha... *ahem* 'cause they're Canadians, or leftist assholes who aren't Catholic, whatever. Beware dickheads, the Catholic Church is large and in charge. Pardon me while I do a small victory dance here in my office. More in the proverbial later. Peace.