Wednesday, August 31, 2005


more complaining...

We... I can't even really whine at this point, because I surfed over to to check the news about Katrina, and the reports get more and more devastating everytime I open the page. It's not the damage to New Orleans itself, but the smaller stories of pain and loss that cut to the bone and bypass my otherwise hardened shell. Stories such as the daughter trying to get police to resuce her elderly mother in need of dialysis, only to be told there is nothing the police can do to help her, all while her mother dies by degrees with no hope of aid. It is the death of hope that nearly kills me. Cities will always be rebuilt, but the shattered lives are often not repaired. I would wonder what will happen to this family, but that would state there is some chance she would be rescued. I know that this mom will die in the "toxic gumbo" that will kill others and render major parts of the city uninhabitable for months, if not years. My bitching about financial aid can wait. More whenever......

Is this the same Brian that works at the Ren-Faire?
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