Tuesday, February 28, 2006
It's been a long time since I entered a post. It begs the question: who long must one ignore a blog before it is deactivated? I'm sure the answer is out there, just as I'm sure that nearly 2 months of no posts isn't enough to get bounced. Anyway, I have salient reasons for not posting: I was sick; by that I mean REALLY ill with potentially heart damaging consequences. Epicarditis and plueral effusion are the medical terms, but the layman would call it fluid around the heart and lungs. This can occur for many reasons, but my cause was a virus. This is actually good news, as viral epicarditis will not scar the membrane around the heart, preventing it from fully expanding. In other words, I was diagnosed with many conditions, none serious or chronic save sleep apnea, and only the slightly enlarged heart caused by my ample girth. I still have time to get in shape, and my psychological health has returned as well. In other words: I'm horny, disastified with my boxed in life, and hitting the expat websites with wild abandon. I've missed me, and I guess I've been sick for a while, around 2 months or so. A 10 day regimen of steriods later, and I'm good. I can even get it up again. I wasn't sure that any of this would come back, and Viagra is pricey over the long haul. I guess I'll close by thanking God for the health I have, and I'm grateful my little corner of the web has not disappeared. More in the proverbial later.