Thursday, March 02, 2006


The joy of snow days..

I honor of rantwithbrian's one year anniversary of inconsequence, I'm here to praise the weather, which granted me a day off from work despite only an inch or so of snow here in Mamaroneck. Northern Westchester got hit much harder, or so I guess, and I'm here at Starbucks chillin' on my computer philosophizing (i.e. musing about nothing and everything and otherwise scheming...) and drinking a tasty but overpriced beverage. Oh yeah, I'm also getting paid. Yeah me! Anyway, any day you get to chill out, surf the 'Net, still get paid, and enjoy the serene environs of a coffee shop is a good day indeed. I really should bed doing more with my day, but I really don't care. I'm just enojoying getting back into my normal routine again. Stuff like reading my favorite websites, buying new books, etc. I'm a creature of routine (but not order) and I'm only now starting to get back to what I feel is my normal self. Being sick sucks ass. Anyway, more later.

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