Thursday, June 08, 2006


Another drop in the market...

As a continuation from my previous post, the Dow is dumping points as profit taking again rules the day. I still have the strangest sensation that the ride is officially over for now and people who got on the ride too late will be left holding the bag. I don't know why I'm starting a business right now and it would help if I knew what business I'm starting. There is something useful about starting a business when things are bad, however, as I should have little debt and zero expectations. (One of the reasons China and India are doing so well is their comparative lack of long-term government expectations. They don't have Baby Boomers looking to bleed their coffers dry, although that will someday change.) As things normalize, I can see where opportunities lie. Alternately, I could just fold up my tent and be done with it. Either way I'm not risking much more than money I would have spent on other things, and time I would have already wasted. Best of all? Two words: write-offs. I hope to catalog my misadventures in business here at rantwithbrian and see if the blog can garner a few more readers. If not, no big, I still get to put my thoughts in cyberspace, casting my electronic bread unto the water as it were. On that note, I'm here at Panera's in Port Chester, near the local NYS Dept of taxation in Rye Brook. They have free wi-fi and refills on coffee, so I could sit here all day and work. Best of all, the many of the sites that eat up so much of my time are blocked for some reason (cough) and I'm forced to do work rather than... aimless surfing. More later.

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