Thursday, June 15, 2006

Um... not quite. Anyway, the class was helpful, but I really didn't get any more info than I already had. It was well organized, and I didn't pay for the class, but I did blow 18 bucks on the materials. There were 3 females, but none were particularly spank worthy. Nonetheless, I'm glad I went. This will conclude any more business preparations for the time being. Fall registration is a little over a month away, and the Faire is coming up in 6 weeks. This is my last chance to make hay while the sun still shines as it were, and I won't have enough time during the mad rush to set up anything. I have made a few key descisions: 1) I'm not spending any more money. I flew to the Palisades after the class, and I wanted to buy the EBay business book, butI haven't read the books I already own. 2) I'll have Heidi design my site. More later....

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