Saturday, July 15, 2006


Well, now that I consider it....

Please ignore the previous post. Well…. Not quite. It turns out I’m off next week as well, so I still have the chance to get away before all Hell breaks loose. I volunteered to come in on Monday, and I’ll be catching up on folders and emails and telephone messages and corrections and… you get the idea. As much as I love the time off, being away from work for too long has serious consequences for me and my students. Moreover, I’m wondering why I’m even off. Paranoia is only unhealthy when it has no basis. I’ve said it once here, and I will say it again: I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST!!!!!!     Ah tenure, that joy of academia, come lie with me and waste away the hours, day, weeks, months, and years until a fat retirement. Well, stay a few years at least. Anyway, I have another breather until things go nuts, and I’m planning yet another road trip.

This may be the time to do it, actually. Timing aside, I’m expecting gas to go way up, and the cost of such a drive to eclipse 300 within a few months. As it is, I readjusted my figures in the pervious post, and the cost of gas should be 120 each way. What is the price of a ticket to Miami? 199. That does not count the $40 to and fro from LaGuardia, or the 30 to and fro from MIA. Also not included would be the cost of a rental car, and that would easily be an additional 100 plus gas. I would need a car, even if I stayed in Miami. I could not resist a trip to Haulover if I tried. (That is the nude beach, BTW.) Much of the reasoning for this trip is an email I received from FIU’s alumni association. Covering the house buying process, it seems like time well spent. It may also be a nonstop advertisement for GMAC financial services, but entreaties such as these slide of me like I’m Teflon cookware. I RSVP’d, but the presentation was full. I’ll call on Monday. The forum is on Thursday, so I can work out a few side trips. Opportunity aside, all of the above answers the who (me), the where, the what, the when, and how; it does not answer the why.

I do have a response. As I was telling a friend, the reasoning for my working Faire, taking a road trip, etc. is an exploration of possibility and probability. I’m looking for something to happen to me that goes beyond my norm. I’m looking to be moved, to meet new people (fine, women,) and to experience something outside my little world here in Westchester. I’m certainly not dating, and my while my prospects have increased a bit, nothing seems to be panning out. Spending 4 hours here at Starbucks isn’t helping. It’s hurting actually, as I just spotted a cameltoe on a woman in her 50’s wearing bike shorts. **SHUDDER** I swear there needs to be a fucking law. I’ll know more after the weekend, and I’ll post more then.

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