Friday, January 05, 2007


Gut check....

Yep, still large. Anyway, my first week of work for the New Year is closing and it's time to chart me progress: not so good. There are different levels and types of not quite good, so I'll elaborate. The getting up on time thing is bad. I was late for work 2 out of 3 days, and I bought breakfast and lunch on one of them. Thursday was better, but only because I start work at 11am, not 8. Not driving has been good, but a big part of that is my work schedule. I worked in Yonkers on Wed., and I work late every Thursday anyway. I was late for work today, but had the presence of mind to grab food as I left. If I can hold off until I get home, I will have spent no money for the day, save perhaps a dollar in parking in White Plains. I did spend $123 in groceries, so I better eat at home. That doesn't explain my eating out with a colleage last night, but I love Indian food and used the plastic, so there.

I didn't hit the gym Wed or Thurs, so that needs to be a priorty this weekend. With work fairly crazy, I probably won't be able to hit the gym during the week, so I'll need to compensate druing the weekends. This is easy enough, and I have no real reason to drive anyway. The exeriment of leavign my laptop at home has worked. It even saved me money yesterday. I finished my day by hanging at Border's and if I'd had my computer, I probably would have bought food and sat down to surf. As it was, I read comics then left, spending the $1 on parking mentioned above. Let's hope for a similar turn tonight.

Finally, I've been granted a revelation of the monumental variety. I have a few of these now and again, but this was the first in a long time. I'll give you an example: When I was a waiter at the Rainforest Cafe' in Rockland, I had the chance to work in Manhattan at one of the swank charity balls in Central Park. I bought a cheap tux, worked, and hung with movie stars for the evening. I had fun, made an excellent impression, and was in line to work there in the future, possibly full time. Suddenly, I was hit with a wave of terror, and I wouldn't take their calls. I did get paid, but that was it. Less than a week later, they lost their contract with the city to operate the restaurant. I would have quit my job and been royally screwed. I can't put my finger on why I felt that way, only that I needed to get out of the situation ASAP. Needless to say, I dodged a bullet.

I'm feeling a similar way now, and there are few with whom I can discuss my impressions. It isn't as dire as the above situation, but it will spur me to action. I was internally debating last night, and I'll talk with Pennye and Mickey, but I know what to do. I'll need to follow up on this, but not right now. I have a busy weekend planned, and I hope I can stick to my goals for the new year. More, possibly tonight....

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