Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I can't believe it's been nearly 6 weeks.

Actually, I shouldn't be that shocked, as I've gone months without a post. Things have been crazy, but this is nothing new. Registration is registration, and we made it through with surprising little drama. Still, I was exhausted and combined with the horrendous beating I took whilst cooking at Barleycorn, I got sick and needed to rest the past two days. Quitting the Ren was probably the reason I made it through as well as I did, and I will never work the Faire again (or I so say at the moment.) I'm simply too old to be running around the college then working all weekend.

The throat surgery I was scheduling has not occurred, but will soon. I was already for the procedure, but was told due the heart infection that almost killed me 18 months ago, I needed an echo cardiogram and a chat with a cardiologist before they would operate. Fair enough, but I'm sick of waiting. One appointment is Friday, and the other one week later. The surgery could occur as soon as the 24th, but that's idle speculation. More news as it becomes available.

As for the apartment, no news is actually good news, but things will have to move soon. I have handed in all that is required, and now I must wait for the board. We (i.e. people how know what they're doing and myself waiting quietly in the corner) are trying to get a definitve date for the board interview. The delay is actually helpful, as it gives me a chance to save my money for the closing costs. the costs should be about $4,500, but I will get $3750 of that back. Only the lawyer and the mortgage have yet to be paid. I'll also get $800 back from my apartment... hopefully. I just need to make sure I have the cash on hand to sort everything out and have the apartment cleaned out.

None of these are my biggest problem, annoying though they are. I could not have surgery and try the stupid mask again, or have the apartment fall though and stay in my crappy walk-up. No, what most troubles me is my cat. She seems to have gone completely insane. She's never been the happiest cat, but now she seems miserable. Moreover, she's attacking me as I move about the apartment, growling and hissing while she scratches and bites me. Sometimes she comes up and purrs, but not as much as she once did. I feel sick, wondering if she's ill or have I simply failed to care for her. Will I need to put her down? Can I reasonably take her to my new place? Does she need specialized care or surgery? I do not know. I can't wait to go home today and see if she's OK. The other stuff is merely window dressing; if I cannot care for a kitty how do I care for anything or anyone else? This sounds self-centered, though I do not mean to be. The fuzzball is my responsiblity, and I'm sick about her condition. More on Friday...

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