Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Part 4: A murder's row, or the Austrian Economist's All Star Team

Ron. Fucking. Paul. That was the entire message. In the stunned silence prior to his comments, I saw the doctor on the stage, and my first instinct was to tell people. I took out my iPhone, and sent a friend an email. What good is it to participate in something so cool without getting to brag to others? In this case I'd be not only bragging, but openly gloating, as the recipient was the one most critical of my attending. Ah 'twas a sweet email to send.

Dr. Paul started to speak, but only after we took a few minutes to clap, cheer, and generally shower him with praise. His introductory remarks covered familiar territory: Personal freedom and economic freedom are inexorably linked. For one to truly value freedom, you must protect both, and the dichotomy of each party favoring one but not the other cannot continue. Also, the value of the free market trumps the efforts of the State, only gold is sound money, and the Federal Reserve is one of the worst things ever created. I already knew most of this, as anyone worried about liberty and freedom in America couldn't avoid his work if you tried.

Here's a sample of his work if you've never heard him speak:

Another part of his remarks was the pointed warning that America can no longer afford to start wars around the globe, and that our monetary policy would eventually cause America to lose world reserve currency status. I agreed with all of his remarks save one. He stated that young people were beginning to understand the value of economic freedom as well as social freedom. Uh, say what?! He couldn't be serious, except that I knew he was. Did he not pay attention to Occupy Wall Street? Did not realize the percentage of young people who voted for Obama? Ugh.

Again, if that was the opening session, if my hotel room was next, if my night was done, that alone was more than enough. I'd pierced the veil and found Galt's Gulch, and I was thrilled, but no, I wasn't done yet. There to the side of the stage was a titan of the investing world: Jim Rodgers. Oh. My Lord.

Stumbled here via English Teacher X's blog. I love the content, and I'm a fan of Ron Paul myself.

Gold and silver have always been my primary investments.
Thanks! More coming.
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